
What is the Best Business to Start in 2024

best business to start in 2024

In this article, we’re going to explore, discuss and discover what’s the best business to start in 2024 and beyond. But first, let’s address the elephant in the room – skepticism, scams, gimmicks, and so-called gurus. Everyone takes a second look at online businesses and thinks everything is a scam. It’s like that one relative at family gatherings who’s convinced everything is a scam and everyone is out to get him. And honestly, who can blame them? The online world is riddled with tales of failed ventures and ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes that turned out to be ‘get-poor-quick’ disasters. But here’s the thing: amidst this sea of doubt, there’s a huge wave of opportunity that’s too big to ignore.

Let’s talk numbers, because, well, numbers don’t lie. Did you know that global online retail sales hit a staggering $6.54 trillion in 2023? That’s trillion with a ‘T’, folks. That’s $6,540,000,000,000.00 It’s like every person on the planet decided to spend a couple of hundred bucks online. This isn’t just a big pond; it’s an ocean of opportunity. And it’s growing faster than a teenager during a growth spurt.

Now, let’s shift gears to the concept of finding the best business to start in 2024. Remember the pandemic? Of course, you do. It was like a bad movie that we all had to live through. Jobs were lost faster than socks in a laundry room, and the term ‘job security’ became as mythical as a unicorn. It was a wake-up call for many, a harsh reminder that relying solely on a 9-to-5 job is like building a house on quicksand. So, here we are, looking for solid ground, and that solid ground might just be in the world of online businesses.

But wait, there’s more. Let’s talk about the golden ticket in this Willy Wonka-esque world of online entrepreneurship – affiliate marketing. Now, before you roll your eyes and mumble, “Not another buzzword,” hear me out. Affiliate marketing isn’t just another trend that’s going to fade into obscurity like fidget spinners. It’s a business model that’s been around for a while, and it’s only getting stronger, like a fine wine or that one aunt who seems to defy aging.

So, why affiliate marketing, you ask? Imagine a business where you don’t need to create a product, stock inventory, or even deal with customer service. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not. It’s affiliate marketing in a nutshell. You promote other people’s products and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral, all from your living room or bedroom. It’s like being a matchmaker between products and customers and getting paid for the ‘love’ connection.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “But isn’t affiliate marketing just another scheme?” Here’s where I bust the myth. Unlike the shady ‘gurus’ who promise you the moon and deliver a handful of cheese, affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model backed by big names like Amazon and Shopify. It’s not about tricking people; it’s about providing genuine value and connecting people with products they need and love.

But let’s not put on rose-colored glasses just yet. Affiliate marketing isn’t a magic pill that will solve all your financial woes overnight. While I consider it the best business to start in 2024 and beyond, it does require work, patience, and a bit of strategy. And the beauty of it? You don’t need to be a tech wizard or have a Scrooge McDuck-level vault of money to start. It’s accessible, it’s scalable, and it’s potentially lucrative (if you put in the work).

So, as we embark on this journey through the blog, keep an open mind. Think of it as a treasure map, leading you to a chest filled with affiliate marketing gems. We’ll explore how to start, how to avoid the pitfalls, and how to actually make money without selling your soul, sanity, or son.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll dive deeper into the world of affiliate marketing. We’ll dissect it, understand it, and learn how to navigate it. And who knows? By the end of this, you might just be ready to take on our 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge. It’s not just a challenge; it’s your first step towards financial freedom, a life where you’re not at the mercy of job markets or pandemics.

So, buckle up, and let’s get ready to explore the best business to start in 2024. Spoiler alert: it’s not about finding a needle in a haystack. It’s about creating your own needle factory. Welcome to the world of affiliate marketing, where the opportunities are as vast as the internet itself.

The Online Business Landscape in 2024

Welcome to 2024, where the digital world has evolved faster than a teenager’s social media habits. Remember when we thought the internet was just a phase, like low-rise jeans? Well, we were wrong. The digital landscape has become the playground for businesses, big and small. It’s like the Wild West, but instead of horses and revolvers, we’ve got laptops and Wi-Fi.

Now, let’s talk about the brave souls venturing into this digital frontier. If you’re like me and over the age of 40, entering the online business world can feel like showing up to a high school party… when you’re 30 years late. There’s this nagging fear that everyone’s speaking a language you don’t understand, using tools you’ve never seen, and following trends that make absolutely no sense. But here’s the thing – that’s not entirely true.

The myth that you need to be a tech-savvy millennial to succeed online is as outdated as dial-up internet. Sure, understanding the basics of technology helps, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. The online business world is more about understanding people than understanding code (let that sink in for a minute). It’s about connecting, engaging, and solving problems. And let’s face it, if you’ve survived four decades or more on this planet, you’ve got some serious problem-solving skills.

But wait, there’s more myth-busting to do. Skeptics often view online businesses as unstable, fly-by-night operations run by people in pajamas. While the pajama part might be true (because who doesn’t love working in comfort?), the instability part isn’t. Online businesses can offer more stability and growth potential than traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. Why? Because the internet never sleeps, and neither does your potential customer base. It’s like having a store that’s open 24/7, without the need to bribe a night shift worker with extra coffee.

Another common skepticism is the saturation myth – the belief that every online business niche is as crowded as a subway train during rush hour. But here’s a fun fact: the internet is expanding, and so are opportunities. New niches are popping up like mushrooms after rain, and existing ones are deepening. There’s room for more, always. Thinking it’s too late to start an online business is like saying it’s too late to start watching ‘Game of Thrones’ – it’s never too late, and there’s always room for one more fan.

So, as we navigate through the bustling streets of the online business world in 2024, remember this: it’s not about being the techiest, the youngest, or the trendiest. It’s about being the most adaptable, the most resilient, and the most willing to learn. It’s about finding your niche, your crowd, and your voice. And maybe, just maybe, it’s about having a little fun along the way. After all, if you’re not enjoying the ride, then what’s the point?

In the next section, we’ll explore why affiliate marketing is like finding a rare diamond in a coal mine and how it can be your ticket to not just surviving, but thriving in this digital wonderland. in other words, why affiliate marketing is the best business to start in 2024. Let’s continue!

Why Affiliate Marketing Tops the List as the Best Business to Start in 2024?

Alright, let’s cut to the chase: why is affiliate marketing the best business to start in 2024? It’s the Brad Pitt of online businesses – it’s simple, sexy, and surprisingly approachable. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s break down what affiliate marketing really is. Imagine you’re at a party, and you tell a friend about this amazing pizza place you discovered. Your friend goes there, mentions your name, and bam – you get a free slice. That’s affiliate marketing, but instead of pizza, it’s products and services, and instead of a free slice of pizza, you get cash. Sounds pretty sweet, right?

Now, why is it ideal for beginners, especially those who break into a cold sweat at the mere mention of ‘HTML’ or ‘JavaScript’? First off, you don’t need to be a tech guru. If you can navigate a Facebook page or send an email without accidentally attaching your nude pics, you’re more than qualified. Affiliate marketing is about leveraging existing products and tapping into your network, be it through a blog, social media, or even just good old-fashioned word of mouth. It’s like being a middleman, but without the shady connotations.

But here’s the real twist: the investment and risk are lower than a limbo stick at a beach party. Traditional businesses require capital – for products, for a storefront, for staff, and for rainy days. It’s like playing poker with a hefty buy-in. Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, is more like playing a friendly game of cards with friends. Sure, you might invest a bit in setting up a website or some online ads, but we’re talking more in the realm of a Netflix subscription or a Starbucks venti, not your kid’s college fund.

In a world where starting a business often feels like jumping off a cliff and building a plane on the way down, affiliate marketing is more like taking a gentle escalator. There’s less financial risk, and you don’t need to worry about inventory, shipping, or customer service headaches. It’s just you, your chosen products, and your audience. And the best part? You can start small and scale up. It’s like playing a video game where you can level up at your own pace, without the risk of being zapped by a boss monster.

So, why does affiliate marketing top the list as the best business to start in 2024? Because it’s accessible, it’s flexible, and it’s as risky as choosing the movie for movie night. It’s a gateway to the online business world that doesn’t require a golden ticket or a secret handshake. And in a time when the digital landscape is as crowded as a post-pandemic beach, finding a path that’s clear, straightforward, and actually enjoyable is like striking gold.

In the next section, we’ll dive into the nuts and bolts of affiliate marketing. We’ll explore how it works, why it’s not just a flash in the pan, and how you can turn it into your personal gold mine. So, stick around, and let’s keep demystifying this whole affiliate marketing gig together. Who knows, by the end of this, you might just be ready to join the ranks of affiliate marketers who are quietly (or not so quietly) making a killing online.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Alright, let’s roll up our sleeves and break down affiliate marketing like it’s a flat-pack furniture piece from IKEA – but with clearer instructions and fewer leftover screws. How does affiliate marketing work?

The Simple Mechanics of Affiliate Marketing

Imagine you’re a matchmaker, but instead of setting up lonely hearts, you’re pairing customers with products. You find a product you like, sign up for its affiliate program (which is like asking the product out on a date), and get a special link (think of it as the product’s phone number). Every time someone buys the product through your link, you get a commission, which is like the product saying, “Thanks for setting me up, here’s a drink on me.”

It’s a simple process: choose a product, promote it, and earn money from sales made through your link. It’s like being a door-to-door salesman, but you don’t actually have to go door-to-door, and you can do it in your pajamas. No need to create a product, no inventory headaches, and definitely no late-night customer service calls about why their gizmo isn’t gizmo-ing.

The Benefits: Flexibility, Scalability, and Potential Income

Now, let’s talk benefits, and no, I don’t mean dental and 401(k). First up, flexibility. Affiliate marketing is like a yoga instructor; it bends to fit your schedule. Whether you’re a night owl, an early bird, or some permanently exhausted pigeon, you can work on your affiliate marketing gig anytime, anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and something to connect to it.

Next, scalability. You can start small, with one product, and gradually expand your portfolio. It’s like playing a video game where you start with a tiny character and level up over time, except here, you’re leveling up your income. And speaking of income, the potential is like a roller coaster – it can be thrilling. Some affiliate marketers make a few hundred bucks a month, while others rake in the kind of money that makes you go, “Wait, how many zeros is that?”

Real-Life Success Stories

Now, I can’t spill the beans on specific people (because privacy is a thing, and I respect that), but let me paint you some anonymized pictures. Imagine a middle-aged guy who started affiliate marketing as a side gig. He was all about gardening tools – a real green thumb. He started recommending products he used, and before he knew it, he was making more from his affiliate links than his day job. Now, he’s living the dream, spending his days gardening and his nights counting his green – and I don’t mean the plants.

Or how about the stay-at-home mom who knew everything about baby products? She started a blog, shared her experiences, and linked to her favorite items. Fast forward a couple of years, and she’s not just changing diapers; she’s changing her family’s financial future.

These aren’t fairy tales or urban legends. They’re real stories of people who found their niche, worked hard, and made affiliate marketing work for them. They’re the living, breathing proof that with the right approach, affiliate marketing can be a game-changer.

So, there you have it – a breakdown of affiliate marketing that hopefully didn’t break your brain. It’s a world of matching products to people, of flexibility and scalability, and of success stories that sound almost too good to be true. But they’re as real as the device you’re reading this on.

In the next section, we’ll tackle the big elephant in the room: skepticism. Is affiliate marketing just a well-dressed scam, or is it a legitimate business? Spoiler alert: it’s the latter, but stick around for the juicy details. We’ll debunk myths, spill truths, and maybe have a laugh or two along the way. Stay tuned!

Overcoming the Skepticism: Why Affiliate Marketing Isn’t a Scam

Alright, let’s tackle the big, hairy monster in the room: the skepticism around affiliate marketing. It’s like that one relative who always raises an eyebrow at everything. “You’re making money online? Sure, and I’m the Queen of England.” Time to set the record straight and debunk some myths.

Addressing Common Fears and Misconceptions

First off, the fear that affiliate marketing is just a fancy term for a pyramid scheme. Let’s clear the air: a pyramid scheme is like a game of musical chairs. Eventually, someone gets left out, and there’s no chair (or money) for them. Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, is more like a potluck dinner. Everyone brings something to the table, and everyone gets to eat. You’re promoting actual products, not just trying to rope more people into a scheme.

Then there’s the “it’s too good to be true” crowd. Yes, the idea of making money by promoting products online sounds like a fairy tale, but so did online dating once upon a time. Now, it’s how half the world finds love. Affiliate marketing is real, it’s here, and it’s not wearing glass slippers – it’s wearing sensible, money-making shoes.

Legitimate Affiliate Marketing vs. Online Scams

The difference between legitimate affiliate marketing and online scams is like the difference between a real Rolex and a knockoff. One has genuine value and lasts a long time; the other falls apart faster than a cookie in milk. Legit affiliate marketing involves real products, transparent practices, and no false promises. Scams, on the other hand, are all about getting rich quick, with vague details and sketchy tactics.

Legitimate affiliate programs won’t ask you for money upfront. If a program asks you to buy a starter kit or pay a hefty fee to join, run away faster than a cat from a bath. Real affiliate marketing is about earning, not paying.

Identifying and Avoiding ‘Guru’ Traps and Scams

Now, let’s talk about those so-called ‘gurus.’ You know, the ones who promise you’ll be sipping cocktails on a yacht if you just buy their secret formula for success. Here’s a rule of thumb: if someone’s making more money selling advice than using their own advice, it’s a red flag. These gurus often use high-pressure sales tactics, flashy lifestyle promises, and limited-time offers to reel you in. It’s like a magician’s trick – all flash, no substance.

Avoiding these traps is all about doing your homework. Research the products, the program, and read reviews. If the only reviews you can find are from the program itself, that’s like asking a barber if you need a haircut. Of course, they’ll say yes. Look for independent sources, real success stories, and transparent practices.

In summary, affiliate marketing is as much a scam as your grandma’s apple pie is a health hazard. Sure, if you eat nothing but apple pie, you’re in trouble, but in moderation, it’s a slice of heaven. Similarly, with the right approach, affiliate marketing can be a legitimate, profitable, and yes, even enjoyable way to make money online.

So, there you have it. Affiliate marketing isn’t a mythical beast or a scam artist’s playground. It’s a legitimate business model with real potential. In the next section, we’ll dive into how to get started with affiliate marketing. We’ll cover the first steps, the tools you’ll need, and how to choose the right niche. It’s like a beginner’s guide to gardening, but instead of planting tomatoes, you’re planting seeds of income. Stay tuned, and let’s keep debunking those myths, one truth bomb at a time.

Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing

So, you’re ready to jump into the affiliate marketing pool. Great! Don’t worry, the water’s fine, and no, you don’t need to know how to do a perfect dive. Let’s walk through the first steps, the gear you’ll need, and how to pick the perfect diving board – I mean, niche and products.

First Steps for Complete Beginners

First things first, let’s set the stage. You wouldn’t bake a cake without preheating the oven, right? Similarly, you don’t start affiliate marketing without a platform. This could be a blog, a YouTube channel, a podcast, or even a strong social media presence. It’s like your stage, and you’re the star (no pressure).

Next, you need to sign up for affiliate programs. Think of this as auditioning for a role. You want to choose programs that resonate with your interests and values. It’s like dating – if you’re not interested in what they’re offering, the relationship isn’t going to work. Look for affiliate programs from companies like Amazon, ClickBank, or Commission Junction to start.

Essential Tools and Resources (Minimal Requirements)

Now, let’s talk tools. You don’t need a Batman-style utility belt, but a few essentials will help.

  1. A Website or Blog: This is your home base. You can start with platforms like WordPress or Wix. They’re like the LEGO blocks of website building – simple, versatile, and no engineering degree required.

  2. Content Creation Tools: Whether it’s writing blog posts, creating videos, or posting on social media, you need tools to create content. Canva for graphics, Google Docs for writing, and a decent smartphone for photos and videos are like your digital paintbrushes.

  3. SEO Tools: To get your content seen, you need to understand SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Tools like Yoast SEO (for WordPress) or free online courses can turn you into an SEO ninja in no time.

  4. Social Media Accounts: Free and effective. It’s like throwing a party and inviting the whole world. Just make sure your party (content) is worth attending.

  5. An Email Marketing Service: Build a list of interested people (no, not for a surprise birthday party). Services like Mailchimp or ConvertKit can get you started.

Building a Strategy: Choosing the Right Niche and Products

Choosing your niche is like choosing your favorite ice cream flavor – it should be something you love talking about. Are you into fitness, gardening, tech gadgets, or knitting sweaters for cats? Your niche should be something you’re passionate about because you’ll be eating, sleeping, and breathing it.

Once you’ve got your niche, it’s time to pick products. This is like shopping, but instead of buying, you’re promoting. Choose products that align with your niche and that you genuinely believe in. It’s like recommending a movie to a friend – you wouldn’t suggest a horror flick to someone who hates being scared.

Remember, the key is authenticity. You’re building trust with your audience. If you wouldn’t use the product yourself, don’t promote it. It’s like being a chef – if you wouldn’t eat your cooking, why would anyone else?

In conclusion, starting with affiliate marketing is like planting a garden. It takes time, patience, and the right tools, but once it starts growing, it can be incredibly rewarding. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your digital gardening tools, and let’s start planting those seeds of potential income. In the next section, we’ll introduce the 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge – think of it as your first foray into the world of digital horticulture. Stay tuned, green thumbs not required!

The 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge: Your Launchpad

Market Activation 5-Day Challenge

Ready to get your hands dirty with affiliate marketing but not sure where to start? Buckle up, because the 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge is your ticket to lift-off. It’s like a boot camp, but without the mud, sweat, and tears. Instead, it’s all about learning, building, and growing your online business together with a community of likeminded individuals who want to see you grow and succeed.

Introducing the Challenge as a Practical Starting Point

The 5-Day Challenge is like your first day at Hogwarts, but instead of learning spells, you’re learning the magic of affiliate marketing. This challenge is designed to take you from zero to hero in just five days. It’s perfect for beginners who feel like they’re navigating a maze blindfolded. By the end of it, you’ll be strutting through that maze like it’s your personal catwalk.

What to Expect from the Challenge: Learning, Building, and Growing

Each day of the challenge focuses on a key aspect of affiliate marketing. You’ll start by understanding the basics – it’s like learning the ABCs before you start writing novels. Then, you’ll move on to identifying your niche, finding the right products, and crafting your unique affiliate strategy. It’s like putting together a puzzle; piece by piece, you’ll see the bigger picture.

But it’s not just theory. You’ll get hands-on experience in building your platform, whether it’s a blog, a social media page, or a YouTube channel. By the end of the challenge, you’ll have a solid foundation, ready to launch your affiliate marketing journey.

Join the 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge! It’s free, it’s packed with value, and it’s the perfect starting point for your online business journey. Plus, you’ll be joining a community of like-minded individuals, all on the same path to success. It’s like joining a party where everyone wants to see you win.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for the 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge today and transform your dreams into reality. It’s your time to shine, to take that leap, and to start building the life you’ve always wanted. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – or in this case, a five-day challenge. Click the link below. Let’s do this!

Join the 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge Now!

10 Responses

  1. Hey, I am an Affiliate marketer myself, and I like how you said that it has many good things about it. 1st is that you don’t have to deal with products or even customer service and all that bs. As well you can do what you are passionate about so you can enjoy your business. It does take hard work, however. Good luck 

    1. Thanks for the encouragement and insights! Absolutely, the beauty of affiliate marketing lies in its simplicity and alignment with our passions. It’s a journey, for sure, but one filled with learning and growth. Cheers to the path ahead!

  2. Great website! I found your article on affiliate marketing very informative. However, I have a question regarding the potential income from affiliate marketing. You mentioned that the potential income for affiliate marketers can vary from earning a few hundred dollars to making a significant amount of money. Can you provide some more specific examples or a range of income that affiliate marketers can expect to make? 

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Ronald. You’ve asked an interesting question. And it’s one that many people venturing into affiliate marketing ask, “How much money can I make”. Because in essence, that’s the foundation of your question, right?

      Several variables can affect how much money you make from affiliate marketing. I’ll address what I consider to be the two most critical ones here:

      1. The most important ingredient that determines your success is ultimately YOU. If you do not treat your affiliate marketing endeavors as a business and take it seriously then you’ll only earn pittance.

      2. The second most critical variable is the NICHE you choose. Choosing the wrong niche can make or break your affiliate marketing business. I explain that clearly here: https://market-activation.com/

  3. Hi, as a fellow affiliate marketer myself, I found your article very informative and quite optimistic. I have been doing it for a few years now, and at times it does come with challenges. There is certainly a way (or multiple ways) to make it work. What would in your opinion be the biggest pitfalls of affiliate marketing?

    1. Hey Dan. Thanks for stopping by. The biggest pitfalls in Affiliate marketing? Hmmm. There are two that top the list for me. 

      The first is not choosing the right niche. If you pick a highly competitive niche you’ll struggle a lot, especially if you’re going the route of SEO marketing through a blog. Getting ranked and found can take a long time. That’s a huge challenge.

      The second challenge is mindset. I see it too often among newbies. They think that they’d create a couple of posts on their website and money would suddenly start flowing in and they could sit back and relax. It’s a long game for the most part. And it requires work.

  4. Kevon, I’m back again to your website!  what an insightful and engaging exploration of the best business to start in 2024! Your analogy game is on point, from comparing affiliate marketing to being a matchmaker to breaking down the mechanics like assembling  furniture (with clearer instructions, of course). You’ve tackled skepticism head-on and demystified affiliate marketing like a pro. Plus, the 5-Day Affiliate Marketing Challenge sounds like the perfect hands-on experience to kickstart anyone’s journey into the world of online entrepreneurship.  I like your images a lot  too ,by the way . Well done!

    1. Hey there,

      Thanks for swinging by again! Glad you’re digging the vibes here and that the analogies didn’t fly over like a lead balloon. Yeah, we’re all about slicing through the BS and getting down to the nitty-gritty, making affiliate marketing as palatable as your grandma’s apple pie.

      And hey, that 5-Day Challenge? It’s not just a toe-dip into the pool of online hustling; it’s more like a cannonball dive. We’re here to make waves and get our hands dirty, because let’s be real, that’s the only way to learn.

      Appreciate the shoutout on the images too. A little visual jazz to spice up the joint never hurt anybody, right?

      Keep rocking and rolling, and remember, the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask. So, hit me up anytime.

      Catch you on the flip side,


  5. I agree with you that affiliate marketing is the way to go. Whether you do it as a side hustle or a full-time job, there is just so much potential, and you can specialize in whatever tickles your fancy.

    I like to think of my affiliate marketing business as a lucrative little side hustle, so when I retire I will have this income to fall back on, as well as something to keep me busy and working well into old age.

    The best part is that you don’t need a bucket load of money to get started, unlike a conventional business. 

    1. Hi Michel. thanks for your comment.

      You are totally correct. Starting Affiliate Marketing is easy and affordable. Anyone can get started, even if they have no money or experience.

      I think although affiliate marketing is considered a side hustle for many, it has the potential to become the main actor in the show – a full-time source of wealth. Something that you can pass down to your children and grandchildren.

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