
What is the Most Important Business Decision You Can Ever Make?

market activation - best business decision
What is the most important business decision? What right decision could guarantee your success even before you start? But if wrong, could mean failure?

In life, we’re only one decision away from success or disaster.

The Most Important Business Decision

What is the most important business decision you can ever make? When it comes to your business, your first real challenge is finding a profitable niche or winning business idea.

Finding a profitable niche or business idea is THE MOST IMPORTANT BUSINESS DECISION you can make.

You could get everything else right, but if your business idea is not a profitable one then you would fail even before you begin. But if you find a profitable niche and a winning business idea you would be well on your way to success.

In finding a profitable niche or validating your business idea, there are a number of challenges you have to address before you get started.

Here are some of the challenges you may encounter:

  • How do you find a niche or business idea that you can guarantee will be a success even before you start your business?
  • How do you avoid wasting time, energy, and money picking the wrong niche?
  • How do you know if your niche will be a success and actually make you money? And I’m not talking about pocket change. I’m talking about real money that could change your life.
  • How do you pick and focus on just one idea when you have dozens of opportunities in front of you and all of them seem exciting and attractive? 
  • How do you pick a niche that fits your personality, passions, and potential? And how can you turn your passion into profits?
  • Or maybe, you want to start a business but you have no ideas at all. How do you generate new ideas when you are drawing a blank?
  • How do you know if the niche you picked has sufficient demand to be a success? Is the market too big, where you’d get lost in the crowd? Or is it too small where there’s virtually no traffic?
  • How do you stay focused and drown out the distractions? How do you ignore the so-called gurus that are coming up with new tricks and scams and stay focused on your business?
  • And very importantly, How do you get rid of that feeling of fear and uncertainty and take a leap of faith and start your business today?

You Are Not Alone

If any of those situations describes your journey so far, then I want to let you know you are not alone. You are in the right place, at the right time.

If you feel stressed out or frustrated and can’t seem to make progress with your business, don’t worry, I’ve been there as well. I know exactly what it feels like.

kevon wilson - market activation

When I first started my online business, I thought it would be a breeze. There were so many people doing it and succeeding. Plus, I had a university degree, so it couldn’t be that hard, right?


I was sorely mistaken. Not only did I have to learn a whole new way of doing things, but it was also much harder than I anticipated.

Hi, my name is Kevon Wilson, and if any of what I just said sounds familiar, then you are not alone.

In the early stages of my online business, I found myself getting confused and I was all over the place. I was jumping from one idea to another. I would start one project and put a lot of enthusiasm, effort and energy into creating what I considered to be really amazing content. Then I thought I’d just sit back, relax and watch the money roll in.

Of course, that never happened.

I Made Lots of Mistakes

My highs quickly turned into lows and my progress paused.

Then I’d start all over again with a new idea. An idea that I was sure would be a winner this time.

But I kept making the same mistakes again and again. I probably did that about three or four times over three years, jumping from one idea to another.

First, it was surfboards, then I briefly tried out the novelty niche, then I ventured into the make money online niche. These were all failures.

Rather than an easy journey, what I found instead, was lots of hard work, lots of mistakes and just figuring things out on my own. And of course, I wasted a lot of money doing the wrong things. I felt like I was working in the dark.

In the beginning, I was excited and enthusiastic and full of energy. I was eager to learn and even more excited to earn.

But it was a really tough learning curve. After a while, I became disillusioned and felt like quitting.

I felt like a deflated balloon, disillusioned, overwhelmed, confused, and very, very disappointed.

Nothing Was Going My Way

Nothing was going the way I thought it would. The hype had died down and so had my motivation levels.

I was doing all of the marketing strategies that I’d learned but nothing seemed to work. No traffic. No money. It just wasn’t making any sense. I’d done everything the training said I should do.

But even though I felt like quitting, I’m not a quitter. I knew in my heart of hearts that I could succeed. I just needed to figure out what I was doing wrong.

I Was Determined to Succeed

My desire to break free from the corporate rat race and liberate myself financially and emotionally had not disappeared.

I wanted financial freedom; freedom to use my time as I saw fit; freedom to have more quality time for myself and my family; freedom to use my creativity in the way I wanted; freedom to travel the world and enjoy life. I wanted peace of mind. And most of all I wanted joy.

I was determined to figure out what I was doing wrong so that I could realize my dreams.

I was a Research Analyst and Consultant for nearly two decades. So, I used my analytical skills to figure out the path to success.

I sought out the top players in the online business world and dissected their business models and broke down their strategies and reverse-engineered their tactics. I watched what they did closely and pulled out a few critical lessons.

Here’s What I Learned

Lesson #1 - The Most Important Decision for Your Business

I learned that the most important decision that I could make for my business, was to find a profitable niche or business idea. So, I set about to determine how to find a successful niche or business idea.

Lesson #2 - The Most Important Ingredients of a Profitable Business Idea

In trying to determine how to find a successful niche or business idea I discovered that my previous business ideas lacked a combination of three critical ingredients to really make my business ideas make sense. I needed these three ingredients to transform my idea possibility into an income opportunity.

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Lesson #3 – The Market Activation Framework

I discovered an entire process or framework that most successful online businesses use. I call it the “Market Activation Framework”. This framework provides a step-by-step guide to finding a profitable niche or winning business idea.

Market Activation Framework

The Market Activation Framework® helped me to figure out which ideas and which niches had the greatest potential for success and which ones did not.

I was able to know upfront which niches or ideas to pick and which ones to drop. 

I also felt more confident about moving forward with my business. 

The Market Activation Framework® also helped me to get in front of the customers that were relevant to my business and offer them exactly what they wanted. I was able to get into their heads and understand how they think, feel, and behave.

I learned how to target them with precision and avoid wasting money and time talking to people who were not relevant to my business.

I discovered a way to come up with unlimited business ideas time and time again in niches that would prove to be profitable.

It was all based on what the top online entrepreneurs were doing. I replicated their processes and followed their strategies.

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